FAMILY IN NEED FUND is a program that helps families in need of hardship assistance. The Center for Community Action determines eligibility for these funds. Your contribution to this worthy program assists ONLY New Enterprise Rural Electric Co-op members. Members volunteering for this round-up program agree to have their monthly bill rounded up to the nearest dollar, with the extra few cents going to the FAMILY IN NEED FUND. This tax-deductible donation will amount to less than $1.00 a month. The billing statement you receive in January will have the total amount of contributions for the previous year. This can be used when filing your federal income tax return.

To join the FAMILY IN NEED FUND just print and complete the coupon.  Mail it, email it  at or drop it off at the office.

Should you not want to have your monthly bill rounded up to the nearest dollar, but would like to contribute a lump sum amount, you may send a check directly to the office and indicate Family In Need on the memo line.

For more more information, please call our office at (814) 766-3221 or (800)270-3177 during 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

If you are having a hardship and need help paying your electric bill, please call the office or email at